
Saturday, June 6, 2015

Off to Cody, Wyoming, with our own dog and pony show

‘Broads, Booze & Buckaroos’ writers’ workshop, reading June 13 in Cody

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Posted: Monday, June 1, 2015 2:52 pm | Updated: 9:37 am, Tue Jun 2, 2015.
Award-winning reporter and arts writer Christene Meyers will conduct a writing workshop from 9 a.m.-3 p.m. on Saturday, June 13, in Grizzly Hall of the Cody library.
The workshop is free and open to all writers or would-be writers.
Called “Broads, Booze and Buckaroos,” Meyers’ workshop will offer tips on imagining or re-imagining one’s history to produce lively writing.
The workshop is limited to 12-15 people to give time and attention to each participant’s efforts. Register for the workshop at the library or by calling 307 527-1880 during library hours to reserve a spot.
“What is necessary is to have the desire to write, and an idea,” says Meyers.
People may choose fiction, non-fiction or poetry for writing genres. Attendees should bring a list of characters – real or imagined – as well as a sampling of vintage photos from their family or friends, preferably at least three generations back. These will be used to inspire the day’s exercises.
The Cody workshop is one of five regional workshops Meyers has given. More are planned into the autumn in Wyoming and her native state, Montana.
Meyers is on a national tour with her novel, “Lillian’s Last Dance,” recently out in paperback and available at the Buffalo Bill Center of the West. She will also address the "Buffalo Gals" in October at the Center, discussing her novel and its "Cody connection."
The book’s paperback publisher is WordsWorth of Cody. Meyers will have the book for signing at the workshop.
Her book was featured at the Billings Public Library as part of the “Big Read, Wednesday with Willa” activities sponsored by the Writer’s Voice of Billings. Her novel is set in 1907-1917 and features a love triangle among traveling actors during the transition of silent movies to “talkies.” It includes 24 colorful western supporting players and 20 cameos by actual personalities of the day, from Pablo Picasso to Buffalo Bill, after whom Cody is named and the founder of this newspaper.
Meyers divides her time between Nye, Mont., and San Diego, Calif.
In addition to teaching writers’ workshops, Meyers writes travel and arts articles for newspapers and magazines. Her byline, informed travel tips and knack for a lively interview are familiar to readers throughout the region. She also plays piano in nightclubs in Montana, California and Arizona.
There will be a lunch break for workshop participants, who may either bring a lunch or buy it in the library’s Biblio Bistro.


  1. I took a workshop from Ms. Meyers a half dozen or so years ago on a ranch in Montana. It jump-started my writing, after a 15-year period of inertia. Highly recommend her lively workshop and sorry I'm in the East Coast or I'd make this one, too.

  2. I always smile when I peruse whereiscookie
    Delightful observations on the wacky wonders of the world, and I look forward to the photographs, too.

  3. Cody Country LifersJune 7, 2015 at 8:11 AM

    Happy to know this is happening in our wonderful town of Cody.
    We longtime Cody residents are looking forward to "Lilian's Last Dance" and seeing how our Buffalo Bill figures into this interesting plot. Trying to find out where the reading is? After the workshop? At the library?
