A drive up the California coast from southern California includes plenty of stops so the Yorkies can be exercised and kept to a routine. Traveling with pets means being sensitive to their needs, to help them adapt and enjoy the journey, too.. |
A human bag, a cooler, and Yorkies ready to roll. |
THEY KNOW when the suitcases come out that a trip is in the works. Are they to be included? Naturally, they hope so.
That's the major concern of Nick and Nora, as we scurry about with bags and lists, clothes and errands, packing for another departure.
When they see their Sherpa travel bag come off the shelf, they breathe a sigh of Yorkie relief.
They fuss and prance about, calming down only when they are in the car and the four of us are on our way.
THEY GOT their summer cuts and are beautiful for our next driving trip, so we're off..
Nick and Nora know they are to be included in a road trip when they see their
Sherpa bag come off the shelf. Here they are in Ashland, Oregon,
during a week-long visit to the Oregon Shakespeare Festival. |
This article answers questions we've received the past months, asking for hints to ease road-tripping doggies into the travel groove.
Here's how we do it:
*Before the actual drive, load the pups in the car and take a few short trips, stopping by a park or recreation area to play for 15 minutes. This gives them the idea that car trips can be fun.
*Take a couple gallons of the doggies' accustomed water, refilling the bottles half with the new water, thus easing them in to the changing water sources.
*Pack plenty of their regular dog food and whatever regular treats they get. Feed them only half the normal amount before the day's drive, to reduce motion sickness.
Nick is a good listener, grateful for conversation. Talking to your pet as you travel helps calm him. |
*Bring along favorite old toys and pillows if you have the luxury of space, and put an old t-shirt with your scent to add comfort to their sleeping area.
*Talk to them in the car. They appreciate it.
*Always keep a window cracked for ventilation.
*If you have an RV, high truck or other vehicle they can't easily master, fashion a ramp out of plywood or particle board with an old towel or piece of carpet for tread.
*Leash them before departing the car, to avoid surprises from another dog or person.
*Be courteous to those who may not share your affinity for four-legged "people."
Frequent stops, in parks or by a river or stream, calm your traveling pet. Here, Nora appreciates a break. |
*Plan plenty of stops. If you're driving through the desert, keep water in a deep plastic or metal pail in the car, or in their kennel, where they can find it. When you hear the lapping, take a break.
*Give a small treat when you load them back in the car.
*You will need to purchase an airline approved travel case. (Pet stores have a wide selection, or go on line.) You'll pay around $50 and up. Our Nick and Nora love their Sherpas.
This link will provide dozens of choices:
*Register your animal when you make your own reservation. Only limited numbers of pets are allowed in each cabin.
*We recommend a small piece of a tranquilizer to calm before boarding. Feed only a small meal, enough to help the med get absorbed. Ask your veterinarian for a prescription. We just re-upped.
*Keep treats in your pocket. (We break "Greenies" in two, as reward after passing through TSA.)
Nick settles into the Omni hotel in Los Angeles, with a toy from the concierge. |
*Remove collars and put in your purse, briefcase or carry-on. They will trip the TSA alarm when you carry them through.
*Once you get the dog safely under the seat in front, tell him he's a good boy and encourage him that the flight won't be long.
*You must not remove the dog from his case, but I open the zipper from time to time to pet and give treats if I hear restlessness.
*Keep your leash handy so you can take him out to go potty as soon as you get to baggage. If you're traveling with a partner or friend, one person takes the pet out and the other waits for bags.
Groomer Abbey Wacker has expertise and hands-on cheer at Paws and Reflect. |
PET PERFECT: We found a fine match with Nick and Nora and a wonderful Montana groomer, at Paws and Reflect on Grand Avenue in Billings. There, personalized attention makes grooming a breeze, calming down even our nervous Nicky. Up next, tips on looking for the right groomer for your prized pets. Remember to explore, learn and live and check us out Wednesdays and weekends at: